AddCntFileName, [HelpContents] keyword
AKey, [HelpStyles] format property , ,
ALink, [MarkerTypes] property ,
AllowLiningOverrides, [HelpOptions] keyword
[AnumCodeAfter], code after paragraph autonumber
subject to configuration overrides
[AnumCodeBefore], code before paragraph autonumber
subject to configuration overrides
AppliedTemplateFlags, [Setup] keyword
ApplyTemplateFile, [Setup] keyword
Archive*, [Automation] keywords:
AskForUserVars, [Automation] keyword
AutoBrowse, [HelpBrowse] keyword
default values in local_omsys.ini
options determined at run time
[BctFileHeads], WinHelp section
[BitmapChars], WinHelp section
override with a *Config marker
BitmapFlip, [Graphics] keyword
BitmapFont, [BitmapChars] keyword
BMPsForDingbats, [HelpOptions] keyword
BookmarkIXRanges, [WordOptions] keyword
Bottom, [Inserts] Word keyword
Browse, [HelpStyles] format property
[BrowsePrefix], WinHelp section
[BrowseStart], WinHelp section
Build, [HelpStyles] format property
BulletFile, [Graphics] keyword
Bullets, [HelpOptions] keyword
CaselessMatch, [Options] keyword
all subject to configuration overrides
CharTags, [WordOptions] keyword
Cnt*, [HelpContents] keywords:
Code*, [HelpStyles] and [WordStyles] format properties
CompileHelp, [Automation] keyword
Compiler, [HelpOptions] keyword
CompressRasters, [Graphics] keyword
[ConditionsShown], apply FrameMaker conditions
Config, override configuration settings
Configs, [Templates] keyword , ,
Contents, [HelpStyles] format property ,
ConvertVariables, [Setup] keyword
convert system variables to text
CopyAfterFiles, [Automation] keyword
CopyAfterFrom, [Automation] keyword
CopyBeforeFiles, [Automation] keyword
CopyBeforeFrom, [Automation] keyword
CopyGraphicsFrom, [Automation] keyword
CopyOriginalGraphics, [Automation] keyword
subject to configuration overrides
[DefaultUnicodeFonts], for FrameMaker 8 Unicode
DefBrushType, [Graphics] keyword
Delete, [WordStyles] format property
DeleteExistingDCL, [Setup] keyword
DeleteExistingMIF, [Automation] keyword
DisambiguateIndex, [HelpOptions] keyword
Document, [Templates] keyword , ,
EditorFileName, [Logging] keyword
EmbedBMPsInWMFs, [Graphics] keyword , , ,
EmbedEqsInWMFs, [HelpOptions] keyword
EmbedEqsInWMFs, [WordOptions] keyword
EmptyGraphPath, [Automation] keyword
EmptyOutputDir, [Automation] keyword
EmptyOutputFiles, [Automation] keyword
EmptyWrapPath, [Automation] keyword
[End], dummy section to end settings
[End], dummy section to replace [MacroVariables]
EndFtnWithSpace, [HelpOptions] keyword
EqHorAdjust, [HelpOptions] keyword
EqHorAdjust, [WordOptions] keyword
EqSuffix, [HelpOptions] keyword
EqSuffix, [WordOptions] keyword
EquationExportDPI, [Setup] keyword
EquationFrameExpand, [Setup] keyword
EqVertAdjust, [HelpOptions] keyword
EqVertAdjust, [WordOptions] keyword
ExactLineSpace, [WordOptions] keyword
Export*, [GraphExport] keywords:
ExtendHelpNoScroll, [HelpOptions] keyword ,
ExternalXrefs, [WordOptions] keyword ,
FieldHyper, [WordOptions] keyword (deprecated)
File, [HelpStyles] format property
deprecated for main configuration file
reference WinHelp hypergraphics
reference WinHelp hypergraphics
FirstFooter, [Inserts] Word keyword
FirstHeader, [Inserts] Word keyword
FixMacroQuotes, [Macros] keyword
[FontEncoding], for print RTF ,
FontWidth, RTF [Defaults] keyword
Footer, [Inserts] Word keyword
FootnoteSpace, [HelpOptions] keyword
ForceBmc, [HelpOptions] keyword
ForceSideHeadPos, [WordOptions] keyword
ForceTableLineBreaks, [Tables] keyword
FrameBorders, [Graphics] keyword
FrameDefaultFontName, [Graphics] keyword
FrameDefaultFontSize, [Graphics] keyword
FrameEndPara, [WordOptions] keyword
FrameExactHeight, [Graphics] keyword
GraphCopyFiles, [Automation] keyword
activated by CompileHelp or FTSCommand
export images from OLE objects
subject to configuration overrides
[GraphFiles], replace graphics files , , ,
reference WinHelp hypergraphics
GraphicExportDPI, [Setup] keyword
GraphicExportFormat, [Setup] keyword
GraphicNameDigits, [Setup] keyword ,
options determined at run time, listed
subject to configuration overrides
GraphicsFirst, [Setup] keyword ,
export master- and reference-page graphics
[GraphLineStyles], print RTF section
Green, [HelpStyles] format property ,
GrVertAdjust, [Graphics] keyword
Header, [Inserts] Word keyword
HeadFoot, [WordOptions] keyword
position header and footer text
[Help*Styles], WinHelp sections
all subject to configuration overrides
subject to configuration overrides
subject to configuration overrides
HelpCopyDate, [HelpOptions] keyword
HelpCopyright, [HelpOptions] keyword
HelpLineBreak, [HelpOptions] keyword
options determined at run time, listed
subject to configuration overrides
subject to configuration overrides
HelpSectionBreaks, [HelpOptions] keyword
subject to configuration overrides
HelpTabLimit, [HelpOptions] keyword
[HelpXrefFiles], cross references
HFFramed, [WordOptions] keyword
HFVertAdjust, [WordOptions] keyword
Hide, [WordStyles] format property
HideWhiteText, [WordOptions] keyword
HistoryFileName, [Logging] keyword
HPJFileName, [HelpOptions] keyword
HyperHelp, [HelpOptions] keyword
IDAttrName, [WordOptions] keyword
IDRefAttrName, [WordOptions] keyword
IdxColon, [HelpOptions] keyword ,
ImportDocProps, [Setup] keyword
ImportGraphics, [GraphExport] keyword
IndexRanges, [HelpOptions] keyword
[Inserts], insert code at predefined locations
subject to configuration overrides
JumpHot, [HelpStyles] format property
JumpTarget, [HelpStyles] format property
KeepAnchorParagraphs, [WordOptions] keyword
KeepCompileWindow, [Automation] keyword
KeepID, [WordStyles] format property
Key, [HelpStyles] format property ,
KeywordLimit, [HelpOptions] keyword
LeftFooter, [Inserts] Word keyword
LeftHeader, [Inserts] Word keyword
LineSpacing, RTF [Defaults] keyword
Local, [HelpStyles] format property
LocalConfigPath, [Setup] keyword
LockHyper, [WordOptions] keyword ,
LockXrefs, [WordOptions] keyword ,
LogFileName, [Logging] keyword
LogIniChains, [Logging] keyword
LogWarnings, [Logging] keyword
Macro, [HelpStyles] format property ,
MacroHot, [HelpStyles] format property
MacroNestMax, [Macros] keyword ,
MacroVarNesting, [Macros] keyword
file extensions for MIF output
include book file in MIF output
MakeCombinedCnt, [HelpOptions] keyword
MakeRef, [HelpStyles] format property ,
[Markers], invent and clone marker types , ,
MarkerType11, [HelpOptions] keyword
[MarkerTypes], marker-type properties
MetaNameChars, [Graphics] keyword
MetaNumDigits, [Graphics] keyword
MIFBookSuffix, [Setup] keyword
MoveArchive, [Automation] keyword
NameGraphics, [Graphics] keyword
NameUndefinedMacros, [Macros] keyword
NameUndefinedMacroVars, [Macros] keyword
NameWMFsAsBMPs, [Graphics] keyword
accommodate platform differences
NoBlankFirstGTLine, [Graphics] keyword ,
NoScroll, [HelpStyles] format property
NoSymMap, [WordOptions] keyword
NoTitle, [HelpStyles] format property
NoXrefPopups, [HelpOptions] keyword
NoXScroll, [HelpStyles] format property ,
OccludedTabs, [WordOptions] keyword
OmitMacroReturns, [Macros] keyword
OnlyAuto, [Automation] keyword
for cases, spaces, and wildcards
subject to configuration overrides
OrigExtForMIF, [Setup] keyword
PageColGap, [WordOptions] keyword
PageColumns, [WordOptions] keyword
[HelpStyles] format property , ,
ParaLink, [HelpStyles] format property
ParaSpace, [WordOptions] keyword
all subject to configuration overrides
PluginVersion, [Setup] keyword
Pop*, [HelpStyles] format properties
PrevRef, [HelpStyles] format property ,
RasterBorders, [Graphics] keyword
Refer, [HelpStyles] format property ,
[RefFrameFormats], reference frames
RemoveGraphics, [Graphics] keyword
RemoveWordTocMarkers, [HelpOptions] keyword
[HelpStyles] format property , ,
Replace, [HelpStyles] format property
ReplaceFrameVars, [Macros] keyword
Resume, [HelpStyles] format property , , , ,
RevProt, [WordOptions] keyword
RevTrack, [WordOptions] keyword
RightFooter, [Inserts] Word keyword
RightHeader, [Inserts] Word keyword
RMarginTabs, [WordOptions] keyword
RunfmDiagnostics, [Automation] keyword ,
RunInHeads, [HelpOptions] keyword
Scroll, [HelpStyles] format property ,
SeqAnums, [WordOptions] keyword ,
SetFrameConditions, [Setup] keyword
conversion-template settings ,
convert generated files for MIF output
convert system variables to text
options determined at run time, listed
subject to configuration overrides
ShipPath, [Automation] keyword
SHSpannerAnchors, [WordOptions] keyword
SHVertAdjust, [WordOptions] keyword
SHWidth, [WordOptions] keyword
SingleFlow, [WordOptions] keyword
Slide, [HelpStyles] format property ,
SlideEnd, [Inserts] WinHelp keyword
SlideStart, [Inserts] WinHelp keyword
SpaceAfterUnicode, [Defaults] keyword
SpacelessMatch, [Options] keyword ,
SpKey, [HelpStyles] format property , ,
StretchMode, [Graphics] keyword
StrippedCellPar, [Table] keyword
[StyleCodeStore], assign macro variable to paragraph format
[StyleReplacements], merge formats
for running headers and footers
[Styles], map paragraph formats to Word styles
Suffix, [HelpStyles] format property ,
SuppressGTUnderlines, [Graphics] keyword
SystemCommandWindow, [Automation] keyword
SystemEndCommand, [Automation] keyword
SystemStartCommand, [Automation] keyword
SystemWrapCommand, [Automation] keyword
TableContinued, [Tables] keyword
TableSheetVar, [Table] keyword
TableWidthsFixed, [Table] keyword
Template, [WordOptions] keyword
TemplateAutoUpdate, [WordOptions] keyword
TemplateFileName, [Setup] keyword
for chapter-specific templates
for document-specific settings
for general configuration settings
TextVertAdjust, [Graphics] keyword
TitleIndent, [HelpOptions] keyword
TitleScroll, [HelpOptions] keyword
TitleSpace, [HelpOptions] keyword
TitleSuf, [HelpStyles] format property
Topic, [HelpStyles] format property ,
TopicEnd, [Inserts] WinHelp keyword
TopicStart, [Inserts] WinHelp keyword
TrailingTabs, [WordOptions] keyword
Transparent, [Graphics] keyword
Uline, [HelpStyles] format property ,
UnderlineTabs, [WordOptions] keyword
UseDefaultGraphicFormat, [Graphics] keyword
UseDoneDialog, [Setup] keyword
UseExistingDCL, [Setup] keyword
UseExistingMIF, [Setup] keyword
UseFrameGenFiles, [Setup] keyword
UseFrameImage, [Graphics] keyword
UseGraphicFileID, [Setup] keyword ,
UseGraphicPreviews, [Graphics] keyword ,
turn off for native graphics export
turn off for replaced graphics
UseGreen, [HelpOptions] keyword
UseHyperColor, [HelpOptions] keyword ,
UseInitDialog, [Setup] keyword
UseLocalFileID, [Setup] keyword , , ,
UseParaAnchors, RTF [WordOptions] keyword
[UserVarPrompts], user variables
UseTextFrames, [WordOptions] keyword
UseTopSpaceAbove, [Graphics] keyword
WildcardMatch, [Options] keyword
Window, [HelpStyles] format property ,
WinHelpDocName, [Setup] keyword
Word2000, [WordOptions] keyword
Word2002, [WordOptions] keyword
Word2003, [WordOptions] keyword
Word2007, [WordOptions] keyword
Word2009, [WordOptions] keyword
Word2010, [WordOptions] keyword
subject to configuration overrides
subject to configuration overrides
WordPerfect, [WordOptions] keyword
subject to configuration overrides
[WordSectionFiles], autonumbers
[WordStyles], print RTF format properties
subject to configuration overrides
[WordXrefFiles], cross references
WrapAllFrames, [Graphics] keyword
WrapAndShip, [Automation] keyword
WrapAroundHFFrames, [WordOptions] keyword
WrapAroundTextFrames, [WordOptions] keyword ,
WrapCopyFiles, [Automation] keyword
WrapPath, [Automation] keyword
WrapXrefs, [WordOptions] keyword
WriteAllGraphics, [Setup] keyword ,
WriteAllVarForms, [WordOptions] keyword
WriteEquations, [Setup] keyword
turn off for FrameMaker export
use native graphics processing
WriteHelpProjectFile, [HelpOptions] keyword
WriteMasterPageGraphics, [Setup] keyword
WriteMissingForms, [WordOptions] keyword
WriteRefPageGraphics, [Setup] keyword
XrefFileDefault, [HelpOptions] keyword
XrefHyper, [WordOptions] keyword
XrefLenLimit, [HelpOptions] keyword
[XrefStyles], cross-reference formats ,
subject to configuration overrides
XrefType, [WordOptions] keyword ,
XScroll, [HelpStyles] format property
> RTF keyword index