6.2.4 Specifying the default output language and code page
If you plan to produce Word output in a language other than US English, you can specify the following for several languages:
To specify a language or locale identifier for print RTF output:
; Language is the decimal Unicode language, or hexadecimal locale
; identifier, for the RTF default language, overriding the type in
The default language is US English (Language=1033 or Language=0x409). If you specify a value for Language, that value overrides any language specification in your FrameMaker document.
You can use the following decimal Unicode values:
Mif2Go supports the following hexadecimal locales (always include the 0x):
To specify the Windows ANSI code page to use:
; CodePage is the Windows ANSI code page number
The value of CodePage is the Windows ANSI code page number, one of the following:
To specify whether to include a space after Unicode characters:
; SpaceAfterUnicode = No (default, good for Cyrillic and Greek),
; or Yes (best for Asian languages)
> 6 Converting to print RTF > 6.2 Setting up a print RTF project > 6.2.4 Specifying the default output language and code page