8.11.3 Adding related-topic keywords with formats
You can mark text in your document to produce the “A” footnotes used by ALinks, “K” footnotes for KLinks, or any other kind of WinHelp keyword footnote. You assign a related-topic keyword property to a paragraph or character format, along with other properties.
Keyword properties produce the following:
an “A” footnote, for an ALink; see §7.6.2 Understanding how ALinks work |
a “K” footnote, for a KLink; see §7.6.3 Understanding how KLinks work |
a “special” footnote, designated by a letter other than “A” or “K”, for a separate index that is searchable only when WinHelp is called from a program. |
You can apply these properties in any of the following ways:
Assign a keyword property to a paragraph format
Assign a keyword property to a character format
Assign a keyword property to hidden content
Assign a “special” keyword property to a format
Assign a keyword property to a paragraph format
To create a “K” footnote for each level-2 topic heading (for example), you could assign property Key to the topic-heading paragraph format:
Assign a keyword property to a character format
To designate keywords in topic text, apply a character format to the relevant text, and assign a keyword property to the character format. For example, if the name of an “A” footnote subject appears as a word in topic text, you can apply a special character format to that word, and assign the AKey property to the format:
Assign a keyword property to hidden content
To add to a paragraph a footnote that does not appear in topic text:
1. Place the footnote text at the end of the paragraph, after the last period.
2. Apply a special character format to the footnote text.
3. Assign properties AKey (for example) and Delete to the character format:
The Atag text would be put into an “A” footnote, but would not appear in the topic.
Assign a “special” keyword property to a format
To create a “special” footnote, assign property SpKey to a format, and also assign a letter, other than A or K, to the same format. For example:
; SpKey requires a key letter (A..Z, except K and A)
> 8 Generating WinHelp > 8.11 Creating related-topic links in WinHelp > 8.11.3 Adding related-topic keywords with formats