5.9.5 Positioning equations in RTF output
By default, for RTF output Mif2Go embeds equations in Windows Metafiles (WMFs), so in-line equations can be positioned correctly in WinHelp. This is not essential for Word RTF, or for equations that are not in line, because other methods are available for alignment. However, you can adjust equations horizontally only if they are in WMFs.
To adjust the scale and position of equations in RTF output:
[WordOptions] or [HelpOptions]
; EmbedEqsInWMFs = Yes (default, scale to size using WMFs) or No
; EqVertAdjust = half-points to adjust equations down
; EqHorAdjust = half-points to adjust equations right
These equation settings are not available for HTML output.
> 5 Setting basic conversion options > 5.9 Converting equations > 5.9.5 Positioning equations in RTF output