Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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28 Working with macros > 28.1 Defining and invoking macros > 28.1.3 Nesting macros

28.1.3 Nesting macros

Within one macro you can invoke another macro, and that macro can invoke another, and so on; you can nest macro invocations to any level. When a macro calls another macro, Mif2Go notes the “nesting level” and compares it with the limit you set:


; MacroNestMax = maximum depth of macro calls in one statement

; used to prevent runaways when macros call each other in circles


So if you define a macro as:


<P>Play it again, Sam.</P><$Again>

you would get at most 128 lines, then Mif2Go would continue. You cannot crash it by making it loop.

28 Working with macros > 28.1 Defining and invoking macros > 28.1.3 Nesting macros