Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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33 Overriding configuration settings > 33.1 Using a different configuration for selected files > 33.1.2 Understanding precedence of configuration settings

33.1.2 Understanding precedence of configuration settings

At run time Mif2Go builds a configuration for each FrameMaker file in your project, beginning with the most specific settings: those in any chapter-specific configuration file, if there is one. Next come settings in the project configuration file.

Chain of configuration templates

Next, if the chapter-specific configuration file includes a value for [Templates]Configs (see §30.2 Referencing configuration files and templates), settings in the referenced configuration template (and any additional templates chained to it) are applied. If the chapter-specific configuration file does not reference a configuration template, next come settings in any configuration template referenced by the project configuration file; then on up the chain from that template. Table 33-1 shows the precedence of settings in configuration files and templates.

Table 33-1 Precedence of settings in configuration files and templates


Configuration file




For a book, configuration file (if any) for a single FrameMaker file named



Project configuration file

chaptemplate.ini or

Template referenced by chapter.ini, if any


Template referenced by _m2*.ini via [Templates]Document if no such template is referenced by chapter.ini (or no chapter.ini is present)


Template referenced by _m2*.ini if no template is referenced by chapter.ini (or no chapter.ini is present)


Template referenced by chaptemplate.ini or by projtemplate..ini, whichever is used


Template referenced by commontemplateN-1.ini


Default value

Whatever the Mif2Go default value is for the setting in question

A chain of configuration templates, if any, is applied to the source either from chapter.ini (preferentially) or from the project configuration file, but not from both. In either case, settings from the templates are applied after settings from the project configuration file, which are applied after settings from the chapter configuration file. For the same setting with different values in different configuration files or templates, the value in the most specific file takes precedence. See §30.6.3 Chaining configuration templates.

33 Overriding configuration settings > 33.1 Using a different configuration for selected files > 33.1.2 Understanding precedence of configuration settings