Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

5 Setting basic conversion options > 5.1 Specifying operating settings > 5.1.4 Reusing or discarding ASCII DCL files

5.1.4 Reusing or discarding ASCII DCL files

You can use Mif2Go to convert the files in your document to ASCII DCL, by choosing ASCII DCL only in the Mif2Go plug-in Choose Project dialog (see §3.3 Creating a Mif2Go conversion project). Because Mif2Go processes graphics as part of the conversion from MIF to DCL, and writes out graphics files in addition to DCL files, you can use this choice to export graphics from your document so you can alter or replace them before producing final output. Next time you run the same conversion, you can direct Mif2Go to use those DCL files (and your altered or replaced graphics files) instead of creating them anew:


; UseExistingDCL = No (default, make .dcb)

; or Yes (use .dcl file if it exists)

UseExistingDCL = Yes

When you specify UseExistingDCL=Yes, instead of creating binary DCL files (extension .dcb) and then deleting them at the end of the conversion process, Mif2Go uses the existing ASCII DCL files (extension .dcl), and leaves them in place.

When you are finished with a set of DCL files, to clear them out before you begin a new conversion from your document:


; DeleteExistingDCL = No (default) or Yes (delete *.dcl from the

; project directory before conversion if UseExistingDCL is not set.

DeleteExistingDCL = Yes

When DeleteExistingDCL=Yes, Mif2Go deletes both .dcl and .dcb files from your project directory before conversion.

5 Setting basic conversion options > 5.1 Specifying operating settings > 5.1.4 Reusing or discarding ASCII DCL files