35.10 Gathering and processing Help-system files
Most Help systems require additional steps after Mif2Go generates output files from your FrameMaker document, and before archiving files for distribution. You can have Mif2Go automatically do the following:
Run the WinHelp compiler; see §8.2.13 Compiling a WinHelp project. |
Run the HTML Help compiler; see §9.14 Compiling and testing HTML Help. |
Copy viewer files to the WrapPath directory (needed only if they are not already in the project directory); see §10.13 Assembling OmniHelp files for viewing. |
Run the full-text-search indexing program; see §11.5.2 Creating a search index for JavaHelp. |
Run the full-text-search indexing program (although you might not get a usable search index); see §11.5.3 Creating a search index for Oracle Help. |
Archive topic files into doc.zip; see §12.8 Packaging Eclipse Help files. |
To direct Mif2Go to compile WinHelp or HTML Help:
; CompileHelp = No (default, run compiler separately),
; or Yes copy all needed files to the WrapPath, if given,
; then compile with hhc (HTML Help) or hcw (WinHelp).
By default, CompileHelp=No. See:
§8.2.8 Setting basic WinHelp options in the configuration file
§9.14 Compiling and testing HTML Help
To direct Mif2Go to run the JavaHelp or Oracle Help indexer to create a search index:
[JavaHelpOptions] or [OracleHelpOptions]
If FTSCommand is missing or is set to blank, Mif2Go does not run the indexer. See:
§11.5 Providing full-text search for JavaHelp / Oracle Help
Certain automation settings are activated
When CompileHelp=Yes or FTSCommand=path/to/indexer, Mif2Go acts on those [Automation] settings that need to be processed prior to compilation or indexing, regardless of the setting for WrapAndShip. Then Mif2Go runs the appropriate compiler or indexer. Table 35-4 shows which settings are activated.
Table 35-4 Automation settings activated by CompileHelp or FTSCommand
Assemble files without compiling or indexing
When CompileHelp=No (the default for WinHelp and HTML Help), or FTSCommand is not specified for JavaHelp or Oracle Help, you must run the compiler or indexer separately. If WrapAndShip=Yes, uncompiled or unindexed Help-system files are assembled for distribution; see §35.2 Activating and logging production of deliverables. You might use this combination for WinHelp if you are sending files to be branded by a subcontractor, or to be integrated with other WinHelp systems. For HTML Help, you might send uncompiled files for use on a server.
Assembling and archiving are optional
For WinHelp or HTML Help, you can set the value of WrapPath for compiled Help output to blank (or explicitly to the project directory), because the Help compilers rely on a list of files to include in the compilation. Eliminating a separate wrap subdirectory avoids creating a duplicate set of output files. Also, archiving is not always necessary for compiled Help, because compilation itself creates a compressed deliverable.
Convert first, compile and archive later
Having Mif2Go run either Help compiler as part of the conversion can be problematic for large projects. Instead, you can do the conversion as a first step, then run Mif2Go again to compile and prepare the deliverable; see §35.13 Postprocessing separately from converting.
> 35 Producing deliverable results > 35.10 Gathering and processing Help-system files