Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.10 Modifying text appearance > 6.10.2 Adjusting paragraph spacing > Keeping or removing empty paragraphs Keeping or removing empty paragraphs

By default, Mif2Go removes empty paragraphs. If you use empty paragraphs in FrameMaker for their spacing effect, and the result in Word is insufficient space without them, you can specify keeping the anchors:


; KeepAnchorParagraphs = No (default),

; Yes keeps anchor paras as spacers


To keep empty paragraphs above selected paragraph formats only, instead of setting KeepAnchorParagraphs=Yes you could use a macro to put the empty paragraph back in the RTF output just for those formats. For example:


ChapTop = CodeBefore


ChapTop = \pard \s0 \sa240 \par

These settings would put an empty paragraph before each ChapTop paragraph in RTF. The RTF code \sa240 would add 240 twips (twentieths of a point) of space below the empty paragraph. You can adjust this number to suit. See §28.9.3 Surrounding or replacing text with code or macros.

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.10 Modifying text appearance > 6.10.2 Adjusting paragraph spacing > Keeping or removing empty paragraphs