Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.5 Specifying document layout options > 6.5.9 Converting headers and footers > Positioning header and footer text and graphics Positioning header and footer text and graphics

By default, Mif2Go uses text frames to position headers and footers in the output. You can specify whether to let framed header/footer text wrap, and you can adjust the space around the frames:


; HFFramed = Yes (default) to position headers/footers using frames


; WrapAroundHFFrames = Yes (default, let text wrap around) or No


; HFGap = twips to space around header/footer frames, default none


Aligning headers and footers with graphics

If you have graphic elements placed directly on the master page in the header and footer areas, the text in the header/footer text frames might not align vertically with those elements, because FrameMaker and Word calculate frame positions differently. To correct the positioning, you can set a vertical adjustment value (positive to move down, negative to move up) for the text. The default setting is 100 twips (twentieths of a point), which moves the text down 5 points:


; HFVertAdjust = twips to move header/footer text down

; (negative for up)


Eliminating graphics from headers and footers

If you do not want to retain FrameMaker header/footer graphics in Word, you can specify that headers and footers should be text only:


; HeadFoot = Standard (default), Text (no graphics),

; or None (for WinHelp)


6 Converting to print RTF > 6.5 Specifying document layout options > 6.5.9 Converting headers and footers > Positioning header and footer text and graphics