Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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31 Working with graphics > 31.5 Controlling image appearance in RTF output > 31.5.6 Converting graphic text > Converting graphic text to text Converting graphic text to text

If a graphic consists of a single text frame, Mif2Go can output the text in a Word text frame or as normal WinHelp text instead of in a graphics frame; the rendition is usually much closer to that in FrameMaker, and is more easily edited:


; GraphText = Embed (as for captions), Frame (as text), or Text

; applies only to "graphics" consisting solely of one text frame


The default is to embed graphic text, which for Word produces a WMF Word Picture containing the text. Although it is not editable text, a Word Picture can be easier to position correctly than a Word text frame.

WinHelp does not allow text frames. For WinHelp, GraphText=Frame is equivalent to GraphText=Text, and the text is output as normal text instead of being included in a WMF.

31 Working with graphics > 31.5 Controlling image appearance in RTF output > 31.5.6 Converting graphic text > Converting graphic text to text