Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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8 Generating WinHelp > 8.5 Converting tables to WinHelp RTF > 8.5.1 Positioning tables and table titles

8.5.1 Positioning tables and table titles

To adjust how tables are positioned in relation to surrounding text in WinHelp:


; ShiftWideTablesLeft=Yes (default, unindent overwidth tables) or No


; TableWidthsFixed=Yes (default) or No (centered tables are variable)


Set TableWidthsFixed=No to cause tables that are centered in FrameMaker to be adaptively sized to the window width in WinHelp. All other converted tables are left-aligned; WinHelp does not support right-aligned tables.

Note:  Setting TableWidthsFixed=No makes only centered tables adaptive in size. This is a WinHelp rule; no other table alignment results in adaptive sizing.


To position table titles:


; TableTitles = 0 to leave alone, 1 to put at top, 2 to put at bottom

; put at top when used as topic titles or jump targets


Usually the best position for WinHelp is above the table.

8 Generating WinHelp > 8.5 Converting tables to WinHelp RTF > 8.5.1 Positioning tables and table titles