6.9.3 Specifying font types
Font types are critical to correct Word handling of characters in fonts that FrameMaker considers to be “symbol”, but that are not among the common symbol fonts (Symbol, WingDings, and Zapf Dingbats). This font-type information is essential in the RTF font list; Word might produce errors if the information is incorrect. Mif2Go provides default font types for the fonts listed in Table 6-3.
Table 6-3 Default font types and metrics for RTF
Mif2Go uses the font metrics shown in Table 6-3 to convert tabs; see §6.8.4 Altering font metrics to adjust tabs.
If your document contains fonts other than those listed in Table 6-3, you can determine their types as follows:
1. In Word, create a document that uses those fonts.
3. Look at the RTF in a text editor to find the RTF type number and name associated with each font. The font table is at the start of the RTF, and looks something like this:
{\f1 \froman \fcharset0 Times New Roman;}
{\f2 \fswiss \fcharset0 Arial Rounded MT Bold;}
{\f3 \fswiss \fcharset0 Arial;}
{\f4 \fmodern \fcharset0 Courier New;}
{\f5 \fswiss \fcharset0 Arial Narrow;}
{\f6 \ftech \fcharset2 Symbol;}
{\f7 \fdecor \fcharset2 Wingdings;}}
The \fN number at the beginning of each entry is the type number. Table 6-4 shows the type number, type name, font family, and character-set encoding for each font type.
Table 6-4 RTF font types and font families
4. Specify the font name and type number in the configuration file. For example:
; Font name = type number (0 to 7)
§6.9.4 Specifying font encoding for non-Western characters
§6.9.5 Specifying font encoding for FrameMaker 8 Unicode
> 6 Converting to print RTF > 6.9 Specifying font usage > 6.9.3 Specifying font types