6.9.4 Specifying font encoding for non-Western characters
To produce RTF output that includes non-Western characters (text in which the “high ASCII” character set contains characters other than the European accented characters), you might have to specify an encoding value for a Windows font that contains the characters you need at the same code points as the font you use in FrameMaker.
Note: If you are using FrameMaker version 8.x, see §6.9.5 Specifying font encoding for FrameMaker 8 Unicode, for methods to convert Unicode characters to the Windows encodings needed by Word.
The RTF font table (see §6.9.3 Specifying font types) shows an encoding value for each font, as fcharsetN. The value of N for the Western character set is 0 (zero) for font types 1 through 4 and font type 7 (see Table 6-4). To determine the correct value of N for your language, use a text editor to examine the RTF font-table entries for a file that Word renders correctly in your language. Some fcharsetN values:
For example, to specify Cyrillic font encoding:
; Font name = value to use in font table for fcharset
This setting tells Word to display Cyrillic characters in place of accented characters for the high ASCII code points.
Sometimes Word gets it right without this clue, but it never hurts to be explicit. Mif2Go simply passes the number through to the RTF font table, so you can use any number that you find works for you in Word (or in WinHelp).
> 6 Converting to print RTF > 6.9 Specifying font usage > 6.9.4 Specifying font encoding for non-Western characters