8.3.7 Converting footnotes
Mif2Go can convert a FrameMaker footnote to a WinHelp jump (the default) or to a WinHelp pop-up, instead of leaving it as a footnote:
The default is to convert footnotes to jumps. You can also specify that footnotes should remain as is, or appear embedded in the text between brackets in place of the footnote number:
; Footnotes = Standard, Embed (between []), Jump, Popup, or None
; default is Jump, which looks more normal than Popup
To separate footnotes from text at the end of the topic when Footnotes=Standard:
; FootnoteSeparator = RTF to use for separator above footnotes at the
; bottom of the page, can be a macro reference, default none
This setting must be all on one line, even though it might not appear that way here.
> 8 Generating WinHelp > 8.3 Converting text > 8.3.7 Converting footnotes