Understanding how and where FileIDs are assigned
By default, Mif2Go uses FileIDs in the construction of cross references and hypertext links. When you set up a Mif2Go project from within FrameMaker, Mif2Go assigns a two-letter FileID to each FrameMaker file in your document, and stores those FileIDs in file mif2go.ini, which by default resides in the same directory as your FrameMaker document.
There should be just one copy of mif2go.ini for a given FrameMaker book or document. However, if you are converting multiple books that reference each other, they must all use the same copy of mif2go.ini; see §2.7 Setting up multiple interlinked HTML projects and §19.6.4 Enabling links to files in other projects.
FileIDs are not required for a one-file document
If your FrameMaker document is a single file, you can direct Mif2Go not to use FileIDs:
[WordOptions] or [HelpOptions] or [HTMLOptions]
; UseFileIDs = Yes (default, needed for identifying xrefs) or No
When UseFileIDs=No, links that Mif2Go makes from cross references and generated hypertext links do not include any identification of the file(s) involved.
FileIDs are needed for multiple files
Unless the output from your conversion project will be only a single file, let Mif2Go use FileIDs, so links do not get confused between files if a cross-reference number or ObjectID is not unique. This is especially important for graphics, where ObjectIDs (converted to hexadecimal) are used to name the graphics files. Without FileIDs, a graphic produced for one file could easily overwrite a graphic made for another file, resulting in an incorrect display.
Using FileIDs prevents problems with identical ObjectIDs occurring in two different FrameMaker files (common for files originating from the same template), but FileIDs do not help with duplicate IDs within any one file.
When UseFileIDs=Yes, by default Mif2Go stores FileID assignments in a FileID file that Mif2Go creates, named mif2go.ini, located in the source directory with your FrameMaker document. You can specify a different name and location for the FileID file:
; IDFileName = name of file that contains FileIDs for this project
IDFileName = D:/path/to/mif2go.ini
Specify an absolute path for IDFileName, because this reference has to work from unpredictable locations. See §C.4 Renaming or relocating the Mif2Go FileID file.
FileIDs in old configuration files
If you are using an old configuration file that contains FileID assignments, and you want Mif2Go to use the assignments in your configuration file instead of assignments in mif2go.ini, specify the following option:
; UseLocalFileID = No (default, use IDFile IDs)
See § Keeping legacy FileIDs in the configuration file.
A FileID assignment takes the form fmfile=id, where:
is the name (without extension) of a FrameMaker file in your document |
FileID assignments are listed in section [FileIDs] of the FileID file (or possibly in section [FileIDs] of an old configuration file). For example:
Normally, the only time a new FileID assignment is needed is after you add a new chapter to a book. If Mif2Go makes such an assignment during set-up, Mif2Go uses the value of [FDK]NextFileID listed in mif2go.ini.
> 5 Setting basic conversion options > 5.3 Identifying files and objects > 5.3.4 Working with Mif2Go FileIDs > Understanding how and where FileIDs are assigned