C.4 Renaming or relocating the Mif2Go FileID file
By default, for a new project Mif2Go creates a FileID file named mif2go.ini in the same directory as your FrameMaker document files. However, in the starting project configuration file you can specify a different name or location for the FileID file:
; IDFileName = name of file that contains [FileIDs] for this project
Copied configurations are not updated
A configuration file created by Mif2Go specifies the default name and the input directory for IDFileName. If you copy a configuration file from another location to the project directory, then set up a new conversion, Mif2Go does not fix the path to the FileID file, because you could be using a centralized version of the latter; Mif2Go cannot tell. If you are not using a centralized version, you might have to edit the path to the FileID file.
If you have multiple projects that use the same FrameMaker document files, but different project directories, probably you should edit all the configuration files so they all point to the same copy of mif2go.ini; you can put that copy anywhere that is convenient. Then, for example, all your projects would use the same FileID for graphics produced from the same FrameMaker file.
FileIDs in old configuration files
If you have just upgraded Mif2Go from a prior version that kept FileID information in the main configuration file, and you are still using that configuration file, you can override the list in the FileID file with the list in your configuration file; see § Keeping legacy FileIDs in the configuration file.
> C Document and conversion files > C.4 Renaming or relocating the Mif2Go FileID file