Deciding whether to scroll titles
A title can either scroll with the text, or remained fixed in a no-scroll region at the top of the page. The default is for the title to remain fixed:
; TitleScroll = Yes (title para scrolls with text),
You can extend the no-scroll region to include text that follows the title by setting the additional paragraphs to have the Keep With Next property in FrameMaker, and by specifying the following:
; ExtendHelpNoScroll = No (default),
; or Yes (allow Keep With Next paras)
To keep the ExtendHelpNoScroll=Yes setting but override it for particular paragraph formats, for each such format specify the following:
The NoXScroll property suppresses Keep With Next so that the no-scroll region is not extended for paragraphs in that particular format.
Note: If a paragraph format is already listed under [HelpStyles], just add the NoXScroll property to its current list of properties; do not repeat the format name.
To make titles scroll with the text, specify the following:
You can still create a no-scroll region for such topics with this setting:
Pop-up topics do not have scroll bars, so you might have to override the TitleScroll and ExtendHelpNoScroll settings. For each pop-up-topic paragraph format, add properties Scroll and NoXScroll. For example:
PopTopic=Topic Scroll NoXScroll
> 8 Generating WinHelp > 8.8 Configuring WinHelp topics > 8.8.3 Configuring topic titles for WinHelp > Deciding whether to scroll titles