Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.5 Specifying document layout options > 6.5.10 Converting special text flows for RTF output

6.5.10 Converting special text flows for RTF output

In FrameMaker you might be using a special-purpose text flow that you do not want in the converted file. For example, you might use a different flow for starting autonumbers, in white text so they do not show. When you convert a file with multiple flows, the added flows come out as added sections, following the main text. This would be fine if the flow were for a sidebar, for example, where you want to keep the text. But if it is one you would rather lose, and it has a different Flow Tag from the text you do want to convert, you can direct Mif2Go to skip the unwanted text flow:


; flowtags to Skip

; or to treat as Normal (to keep in same RTF section)




You can also use this facility to put different flows in different RTF files, by running Mif2Go once to create each file, editing the configuration file to skip a different set of flows before each run.

If your FrameMaker document contains separate text flows for material you want included in the normal flow (such as boilerplate elements), you can make the special flow part of the normal flow by adding lines setting both flows to Normal.

Mif2Go normally processes each tagged text flow in the FrameMaker file as a separate section in the Word file. To make the content of all flows to appear in page sequence instead:


; SingleFlow = No (default, handle flows separately) or Yes


6 Converting to print RTF > 6.5 Specifying document layout options > 6.5.10 Converting special text flows for RTF output