6.2.6 Importing a Word template
Importing a Word template is a last-resort procedure. It is much safer to modify formatting as needed by importing a FrameMaker template (see §2.4 Importing formats from a conversion template), so the output from Mif2Go is already the way you want it to look. The RTF Mif2Go produces is correct and valid, but what Word does with it during template import is way beyond our control.
Although a Word template updates only style definitions, you can use a single entry in a Word template to alter the properties of all FrameMaker formats merged to the same RTF style. However, when it comes to affecting Word through its own methods, what Mif2Go can do is limited. If you can produce the Word styles you need by using a FrameMaker conversion template instead of a Word template, that is a much safer approach. Some FrameMaker features, such as sideheads, simply cannot be handled by a Word template. See §2.4 Importing formats from a conversion template.
If your Word template has headers and footers, for example, they will not appear in the output, because Word headers and footers work differently from FrameMaker headers and footers. Word template headers and footers are used when you create new documents in Word, but not when you apply the template to an existing Word document. If you want headers and footers in the Word output from Mif2Go, you must supply them in a FrameMaker template instead. Do whatever you must in FrameMaker to get them to come out the way you want them to look in Word, regardless of how awful they look in FrameMaker. See §6.5.9 Converting headers and footers.
; Template = name or full path of template file to attach
; TemplateAutoUpdate = Yes (default, use template style defs) or No
Unless both options are set, the properties of the original style remain as is in the text.
If setting TemplateAutoUpdate=Yes does not apply the styles, after converting the document you might have to choose Tools > Templates and Add-Ins... in Word, and check Automatically update document styles.
> 6 Converting to print RTF > 6.2 Setting up a print RTF project > 6.2.6 Importing a Word template