Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

8 Generating WinHelp > 8.2 Setting up a WinHelp project > 8.2.10 Handling page breaks and section breaks

8.2.10 Handling page breaks and section breaks

WinHelp uses page and section breaks for a radically different purpose from print RTF. Page breaks are reinterpreted to mean “start of topic”, and a definite sequence of codes must follow the topic start in the prescribed order. Mif2Go creates this sequence automatically when you specify [HelpStyles]ParaFmt=Topic (see §8.8.2 Assigning properties to formats for topics and hotspots).

Section breaks are used as an undocumented modifier to page breaks; they permit the help compiler to avoid going into convulsions if the first thing after a page break is a table (as is often the case in FrameMaker for fancy heading designs). Unless you are converting to WinHelp on an Altura system, use the default setting for section breaks:


; HelpSectionBreaks = Yes (default) for sect break before each topic,

; or No for Altura (filter strips table format from topic titles)


The following options have no use in WinHelp; set them as indicated (the WinHelp defaults):




8 Generating WinHelp > 8.2 Setting up a WinHelp project > 8.2.10 Handling page breaks and section breaks