Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

RTF keyword index



AddCntFileName, [HelpContents] keyword   ref

AKey, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref, ref

ALink, [MarkerTypes] property   ref, ref

AllowLiningOverrides, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

Altura, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[AnumCodeAfter], code after paragraph autonumber

placement properties   ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

[AnumCodeBefore], code before paragraph auto­number

placement properties   ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

AppliedTemplateFlags, [Setup] keyword   ref

change template options   ref

set-up option   ref

ApplyTemplateFile, [Setup] keyword   ref

change template options   ref

set-up option   ref

Archive*, [Automation] keywords:

ArchiveCommand   ref

activated by WrapAndShip   ref

ArchiveEndParams   ref

ArchiveExt   ref

ArchiveName   ref

ArchiveStartParams   ref

ArchiveVer   ref

AskForUserVars, [Automation] keyword   ref

AutoBrowse, [HelpBrowse] keyword   ref


default values in local_omsys.ini   ref

export options and settings   ref

options determined at run time   ref

produce deliverables   ref

system commands   ref, ref

user variables   ref


BackMode, [Graphics] keyword   ref

[BctFileHeads], WinHelp section   ref

[BitmapChars], WinHelp section   ref

BitmapDPI, [Graphics] keyword

override with a *Config marker   ref

rescale bitmap graphics   ref

BitmapFlip, [Graphics] keyword   ref

BitmapFont, [BitmapChars] keyword   ref

BMPsForDingbats, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

BookmarkIXRanges, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

Bottom, [Inserts] Word keyword   ref

Browse, [HelpStyles] format property   ref

[BrowsePrefix], WinHelp section   ref

[BrowseStart], WinHelp section   ref

Build, [HelpStyles] format property   ref

BulletFile, [Graphics] keyword   ref

Bullets, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref


CaselessMatch, [Options] keyword   ref

case sensitivity of FileIDs   ref

[CharStyle*] sections

[CharStyleCode*] sections

all subject to configuration overrides   ref

[CharStyleCodeAfter]   ref

[CharStyleCodeBefore]   ref

[CharStyleCodeEnd]   ref

[CharStyleCodeReplace]   ref

[CharStyleCodeStart]   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

CharTags, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

ClipLimit, [Graphics] keyword   ref

ClipType, [Graphics] keyword   ref

Cnt*, [HelpContents] keywords:


set-up option   ref


CntBStyleText   ref, ref

CntMainWindow   ref

CntName   ref

set-up option   ref

CntStartFile   ref

CntTitle   ref

set-up option   ref

CntTopHead   ref

CntTopic   ref

set-up option   ref

CntType   ref, ref

Code, [MarkerTypes] property   ref

Code*, [HelpStyles] and [WordStyles] format properties

CodeAfter   ref, ref

CodeAfterAnum   ref

CodeBefore   ref, ref

CodeBeforeAnum   ref

CodeEnd   ref

CodeReplace   ref

CodeStart   ref, ref

CodeStore   ref, ref

CodePage, [Defaults] keyword   ref

CompileHelp, [Automation] keyword   ref

compile WinHelp project   ref

determined at run time   ref

export option   ref

set up WinHelp project   ref, ref

Compiler, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

CompressRasters, [Graphics] keyword   ref

[ConditionsShown], apply FrameMaker conditions   ref

Config, override configuration settings

[HelpStyles] format property   ref

[MarkerTypes] property   ref

[WordStyles] format property   ref

Configs, [Templates] keyword   ref, ref, ref

chain of templates   ref

precedence of settings   ref

Contents, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

ConvertVariables, [Setup] keyword   ref

convert system variables to text   ref

set-up option   ref

CopyAfterFiles, [Automation] keyword   ref

CopyAfterFrom, [Automation] keyword   ref

CopyBeforeFiles, [Automation] keyword   ref

CopyBeforeFrom, [Automation] keyword   ref

CopyGraphicsFrom, [Automation] keyword   ref

activated by CompileHelp   ref

activated by WrapAndShip   ref

CopyOriginalGraphics, [Automation] keyword   ref


[Defaults]   ref, ref, ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

[DefaultUnicodeFonts], for FrameMaker 8 Unicode   ref

DefBrushType, [Graphics] keyword   ref

DefFont, [Graphics] keyword   ref

DefFSize, [Graphics] keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref


[HelpStyles] format property   ref

[MarkerTypes] property   ref

[XrefStyles] format property   ref

Delete, [WordStyles] format property   ref

DeleteExistingDCL, [Setup] keyword   ref

DeleteExistingMIF, [Automation] keyword   ref

activated by CompileHelp   ref

Digits, [HelpBrowse] keyword   ref

DisambiguateIndex, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

dependencies   ref

Document, [Templates] keyword   ref, ref, ref


EditorFileName, [Logging] keyword   ref

EmbedBMPsInWMFs, [Graphics] keyword   ref, ref, ref, ref

EmbedEqsInWMFs, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

EmbedEqsInWMFs, [WordOptions] keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

EmptyGraphPath, [Automation] keyword

activated by CompileHelp   ref

EmptyOutputDir, [Automation] keyword   ref

activated by CompileHelp   ref

dependencies   ref

when effective   ref

EmptyOutputFiles, [Automation] keyword   ref

activated by CompileHelp   ref

when to include   ref

EmptyWrapPath, [Automation] keyword   ref

activated by CompileHelp   ref

dependencies   ref

[End], dummy section to end settings   ref

[End], dummy section to replace [MacroVariables]   ref

EndFtnWithSpace, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

EpsiUsage, [Graphics] keyword   ref

EqHorAdjust, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

EqHorAdjust, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

EqSuffix, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

EqSuffix, [Options] keyword   ref

EqSuffix, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

EquationExportDPI, [Setup] keyword   ref

graphic format and resolution   ref

EquationFrameExpand, [Setup] keyword   ref

EqVertAdjust, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

EqVertAdjust, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

ExactLineSpace, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

Export*, [GraphExport] keywords:

ExportBmpFiles   ref

ExportCdrFiles   ref

ExportEpsFiles   ref

ExportGifFiles   ref

ExportJpgFiles   ref

ExportNameChars   ref

ExportNumDigits   ref

ExportPctFiles   ref

ExportPcxFiles   ref

ExportPngFiles   ref

ExportRfFiles   ref

ExportTifFiles   ref

ExportWmfFiles   ref

ExportWpgFiles   ref

set-up options   ref

ExtendHelpNoScroll, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref, ref

ExternalXrefs, [WordOptions] keyword   ref, ref


FieldHyper, [WordOptions] keyword (deprecated)   ref

File, [HelpStyles] format property   ref


deprecated for main configuration file   ref

mif2go.ini section   ref

FileNames, [Graphics] keyword   ref

reference WinHelp hypergraphics   ref

replace file extensions   ref

substitute files   ref, ref, ref, ref

synchronize settings   ref

FilePaths, [Graphics] keyword   ref

for already converted files   ref

for referenced graphics   ref

omit for exported graphics   ref

omit for unconverted graphics   ref

reference WinHelp hypergraphics   ref

replace EPSI graphics   ref

substitute files   ref, ref

synchronize settings   ref

FileSuffix, [Setup] keyword   ref, ref

export option   ref

set-up option   ref

FirstFooter, [Inserts] Word keyword   ref

FirstHeader, [Inserts] Word keyword   ref

FixMacroQuotes, [Macros] keyword   ref

[FontEncoding], for print RTF   ref, ref

FontName, [Defaults] keyword   ref

[Fonts], remap fonts   ref

FontSize, [Defaults] keyword   ref


for print RTF   ref

for WinHelp   ref

FontWidth, RTF [Defaults] keyword   ref

[FontWidths]   ref

Footer, [Inserts] Word keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

FootnoteSpace, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

ForceBmc, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

ForceSideHeadPos, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

ForceTableLineBreaks, [Tables] keyword   ref

FrameBorders, [Graphics] keyword   ref

FrameDefaultFontName, [Graphics] keyword   ref

FrameDefaultFontSize, [Graphics] keyword   ref

FrameEndPara, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

FrameExactHeight, [Graphics] keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

FrBorders, [Graphics] keyword   ref


GraphCopyFiles, [Automation] keyword   ref

activated by CompileHelp or FTSCommand   ref


export embedded graphics   ref

export images from OLE objects   ref

name exported graphics files   ref

set-up options and settings   ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

[GraphFiles], replace graphics files   ref, ref, ref, ref

reference WinHelp hypergraphics   ref

synchronize graphics settings   ref

GraphicExportDPI, [Setup] keyword

FrameMaker export filters   ref, ref, ref

GraphicExportFormat, [Setup] keyword

BMP instead of WMF graphics   ref

FrameMaker export filters   ref

graphic output format   ref

GraphicNameDigits, [Setup] keyword   ref, ref


background   ref


compress   ref

embed   ref

reorient   ref

rescale   ref

borders   ref, ref

bullets   ref

EPS   ref

file extension   ref

file names   ref, ref

font   ref

omit   ref

options determined at run time, listed   ref

scale   ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

text   ref ref

GraphicsFirst, [Setup] keyword   ref, ref

export master- and reference-page graphics   ref

process only graphics   ref

[GraphLineStyles], print RTF section   ref

GraphText, [Graphics] keyword   ref

Green, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

GrVertAdjust, [Graphics] keyword   ref


Header, [Inserts] Word keyword   ref

HeadFoot, [WordOptions] keyword

convert to WordPerfect   ref

position header and footer text   ref

[Help*Styles], WinHelp sections

all subject to configuration overrides   ref

[HelpBrowsePrefixStyles]   ref


basic conversion options   ref

understand level numbers   ref, ref

[HelpJumpFileStyles]   ref, ref

[HelpKeywordStyles]   ref

[HelpMacroStyles]   ref, ref

[HelpRefStyles]   ref

[HelpSuffixStyles]   ref, ref

[HelpTitleSufStyles]   ref, ref

[HelpTopicBuildStyles]   ref

[HelpWindowStyles]   ref, ref, ref

[HelpBrowse]   ref, ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

[HelpContents]   ref ref

set-up options and settings   ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

HelpCopyDate, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

HelpCopyright, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

HelpLineBreak, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref


cross references   ref, ref, ref

equations   ref

footnotes   ref, ref


character   ref

paragraph   ref ref

removing   ref

graphic text   ref

graphics   ref, ref, ref, ref

hotspots   ref

index   ref, ref, ref, ref

links   ref

markers   ref

ObjectIDs   ref, ref

options determined at run time, listed   ref

page and section breaks   ref, ref

platforms   ref

remove Word markers   ref

special characters   ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

tables   ref, ref, ref

titles   ref, ref

[HelpReplacements]   ref, ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

HelpSectionBreaks, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

platform differences   ref


“A” footnotes   ref

ALinks and keywords   ref

basic properties   ref

hotspots   ref

replace content   ref, ref, ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

HelpTabLimit, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[HelpXrefFiles], cross references   ref

HFFramed, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

convert to WordPerfect   ref

HFGap, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

HFVertAdjust, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

Hide, [WordStyles] format property   ref

HideWhiteText, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

HistoryFileName, [Logging] keyword   ref

HPJFileName, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

HyperHelp, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref


IDAttrName, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

IDFileName, [Setup] keyword   ref, ref

determined at run time   ref

IDRefAttrName, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

IdxColon, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref, ref

ImportDocProps, [Setup] keyword   ref

ImportGraphics, [GraphExport] keyword

export embedded graphics   ref, ref

export OLE objects   ref

set-up option   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

IndexRanges, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[Inserts], insert code at predefined locations   ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref


JumpHot, [HelpStyles] format property   ref

JumpTarget, [HelpStyles] format property   ref


KeepAnchorParagraphs, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

KeepCompileWindow, [Automation] keyword   ref

activated by CompileHelp   ref

KeepID, [WordStyles] format property   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

Key, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

KeywordLimit, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref


Language, [Defaults] keyword   ref

LeftFooter, [Inserts] Word keyword   ref

LeftHeader, [Inserts] Word keyword   ref

LineSpacing, RTF [Defaults] keyword   ref

Local, [HelpStyles] format property   ref

LocalConfigPath, [Setup] keyword

set-up option   ref

LockHyper, [WordOptions] keyword   ref, ref

LockXrefs, [WordOptions] keyword   ref, ref

LogAuto, [Automation] keyword   ref

LogDebug, [Logging] keyword   ref

LogErrors, [Logging] keyword   ref

LogFileName, [Logging] keyword   ref

[Logging] conversion events   ref

LogInfo, [Logging] keyword   ref

LogIniChains, [Logging] keyword   ref

LogQuerys, [Logging] keyword   ref

LogWarnings, [Logging] keyword   ref


Macro, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

MacroHot, [HelpStyles] format property   ref

MacroNestMax, [Macros] keyword   ref, ref

Macros, [Templates] keyword   ref, ref


debug   ref

loop-control limits   ref

remove implicit line breaks   ref

[MacroVariables]   ref

create a macro variable   ref

MacroVarNesting, [Macros] keyword   ref

MakeBookMIF, [Setup] keyword   ref

file extensions for MIF output   ref

include book file in MIF output   ref

set-up option   ref

MakeCombinedCnt, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

determined at run time   ref

export option   ref

set-up option   ref

MakeRef, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

for pop-up graphics   ref

[Markers], invent and clone marker types   ref, ref, ref

MarkerType11, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[MarkerTypeCodeAfter]   ref

[MarkerTypeCodeBefore]   ref

[MarkerTypeCodeReplace]   ref

[MarkerTypes], marker-type properties   ref


[Table] keyword   ref

[Tables] keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

MetaNameChars, [Graphics] keyword   ref

MetaNumDigits, [Graphics] keyword   ref

MIFBookSuffix, [Setup] keyword   ref

set-up option   ref

MoveArchive, [Automation] keyword   ref


NameGraphics, [Graphics] keyword   ref

NameUndefinedMacros, [Macros] keyword   ref

NameUndefinedMacroVars, [Macros] keyword   ref

NameWMFsAsBMPs, [Graphics] keyword   ref

accommodate platform differences   ref

NoBlankFirstGTLine, [Graphics] keyword   ref, ref

NoMemDel, [Options] keyword   ref

NoNameDel, [Options] keyword   ref

NoScroll, [HelpStyles] format property   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

NoSymMap, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

NoTitle, [HelpStyles] format property   ref

for pop-up topics   ref

NoXrefPopups, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

NoXScroll, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

for pop-up topics   ref



[HelpOptions] keyword   ref, ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

OccludedTabs, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

OmitMacroReturns, [Macros] keyword   ref

OnlyAuto, [Automation] keyword   ref


debug   ref

equations   ref, ref

for cases, spaces, and wildcards   ref

for conversion debugging   ref

for tabs   ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

OrigExtForMIF, [Setup] keyword   ref

set-up option   ref



[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

PageColGap, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

PageColumns, [WordOptions] keyword   ref


[HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref, ref

[WordStyles] format property   ref

ParaLink, [HelpStyles] format property   ref

ParaSpace, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

[ParaStyle*] sections

[ParaStyleCode*] sections

all subject to configuration overrides   ref

[ParaStyleCodeAfter]   ref

[ParaStyleCodeBefore]   ref

[ParaStyleCodeEnd]   ref

[ParaStyleCodeReplace]   ref

[ParaStyleCodeStart]   ref

PicScale[WordOptions] keyword   ref

PluginVersion, [Setup] keyword   ref

determined at run time   ref

Pop*, [HelpStyles] format properties

PopContent   ref, ref, ref

PopHot   ref, ref

PopOver   ref, ref, ref, ref, ref

Prefix, [HelpBrowse] keyword   ref

PrevRef, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

for pop-up graphics   ref

PrjFileName, [Setup] keyword   ref

determined at run time   ref



[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref


RasterBorders, [Graphics] keyword   ref

Refer, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

[RefFrameFormats], reference frames   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

RemoveGraphics, [Graphics] keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

RemoveWordTocMarkers, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

RepeatMax, [Macros] keyword   ref


[HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref, ref

[WordStyles] format property   ref

Replace, [HelpStyles] format property   ref

ReplaceFrameVars, [Macros] keyword   ref

Resume, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref, ref, ref, ref

RevProt, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

RevTrack, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

RightFooter, [Inserts] Word keyword   ref

RightHeader, [Inserts] Word keyword   ref

RMarginTabs, [WordOptions] keyword   ref


[HelpStyles] format property   ref

[MarkerTypes] property   ref

[WordStyles] format property   ref

RunfmDiagnostics, [Automation] keyword   ref, ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

RunInHeads, [HelpOptions] keyword

for Help systems   ref


Scope, [Templates] keyword   ref, ref

Scroll, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

for pop-up topics   ref

SeqAnums, [WordOptions] keyword   ref, ref

SetFrameConditions, [Setup] keyword   ref


compile WinHelp   ref

conversion-template settings   ref, ref

convert generated files for MIF output   ref

convert system variables to text   ref

convert TOC and IX   ref

for Help systems   ref

for MIF output   ref

equations   ref, ref

exclude generated files   ref

export options and settings   ref

file names   ref


export   ref

master- and reference-page   ref

output   ref, ref, ref

manage MIF files   ref

MIF output   ref

options determined at run time, listed   ref

process graphics   ref, ref, ref, ref, ref

master- and reference-page   ref

set-up options and settings   ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

template settings   ref, ref

version numbers   ref

WordPerfect settings   ref

SHGap, [WordOptions] keyword   ref


[Table] keyword   ref

[Tables] keyword   ref

ShipPath, [Automation] keyword   ref

activated by WrapAndShip   ref

ShowLog, [Logging] keyword   ref

SHSpannerAnchors, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

SHVertAdjust, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

SHWidth, [WordOptions] keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword

convert sidehead formats   ref

set-up option   ref

SingleFlow, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

Slide, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

SlideEnd, [Inserts] WinHelp keyword   ref

SlideStart, [Inserts] WinHelp keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

SpaceAfterUnicode, [Defaults] keyword   ref

SpacelessMatch, [Options] keyword   ref, ref

SpKey, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref, ref

Start, [HelpBrowse] keyword   ref

Step, [HelpBrowse] keyword   ref

StretchMode, [Graphics] keyword   ref

StrippedCellPar, [Table] keyword   ref

StripTables, [Table] keyword   ref

StripTables, [Tables] keyword   ref

[StyleCodeStore], assign macro variable to para­graph format   ref

[StyleReplacements], merge formats   ref

for running headers and footers   ref

[Styles], map paragraph formats to Word styles   ref

Suffix, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

SuppressGTUnderlines, [Graphics] keyword   ref

SystemCommandWindow, [Automation] keyword   ref

SystemEndCommand, [Automation] keyword   ref

SystemStartCommand, [Automation] keyword   ref

SystemWrapCommand, [Automation] keyword   ref


TableContinued, [Tables] keyword   ref

TableContVar, [Table] keyword   ref


[Table] keyword   ref

[Tables] keyword   ref


[Tables] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref


[Table] keyword   ref

[Tables] keyword   ref

TableSheet, [Table] keyword   ref

TableSheetVar, [Table] keyword   ref


[Table] keyword   ref, ref

TableWidthsFixed, [Table] keyword   ref

TblColWidAdd, [Table] keyword   ref

TblColWidPct, [Table] keyword   ref

TblFullWidth, [Table] keyword   ref

Template, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

TemplateAutoUpdate, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

TemplateFileName, [Setup] keyword   ref

for chapter-specific templates   ref

set-up option   ref

[Templates]   ref

for document-specific settings   ref

for general configuration settings   ref

for macro libraries   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

[TextFlows]   ref, ref

TextScale, [Graphics] keyword   ref

TextVertAdjust, [Graphics] keyword   ref

TextWidth, [Graphics] keyword   ref

TitleIndent, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

TitleInRow, [Table] keyword   ref

TitleScroll, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

TitleSpace, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

TitleSuf, [HelpStyles] format property   ref

Top, [Inserts] Word keyword   ref

Topic, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

for pop-up topics   ref

TopicEnd, [Inserts] WinHelp keyword   ref

TopicStart, [Inserts] WinHelp keyword   ref

TrailingTabs, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

Transparent, [Graphics] keyword   ref


Uline, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

UnderlineTabs, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

UseDefaultGraphicFormat, [Graphics] keyword   ref

UseDoneDialog, [Setup] keyword   ref

UseExistingDCL, [Setup] keyword   ref

determined at run time   ref

export embedded graphics   ref

export option   ref

UseExistingMIF, [Setup] keyword   ref

determined at run time   ref

export option   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref, ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref, ref

UseFrame8MIF, [Setup] keyword

for MIF output   ref

UseFrame9MIF, [Setup] keyword

for MIF output   ref

UseFrameGenFiles, [Setup] keyword   ref

for MIF output   ref

set-up option   ref

UseFrameImage, [Graphics] keyword   ref

UseFrameIX, [Setup] keyword   ref

for Help systems   ref

for MIF output   ref

set-up option   ref

UseFrameTOC, [Setup] keyword   ref

for Help systems   ref

for MIF output   ref

set-up option   ref

UseGraphicFileID, [Setup] keyword   ref, ref

FrameMaker export filters   ref

UseGraphicPreviews, [Graphics] keyword   ref, ref

determined at run time   ref

export option   ref

turn off for native graphics export   ref

turn off for replaced graphics   ref

UseGreen, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

UseHyperColor, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref, ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref, ref

UseInitDialog, [Setup] keyword   ref

UseLocalFileID, [Setup] keyword   ref, ref, ref, ref

UseLog, [Logging] keyword   ref

UseParaAnchors, RTF [WordOptions] keyword   ref

[UserVarPrompts], user variables   ref

[UserVars], user variables   ref

create a macro variable   ref

UseTextFrames, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

UseTopSpaceAbove, [Graphics] keyword   ref


No entries for this letter


WhileMax, [Macros] keyword   ref

WildcardMatch, [Options] keyword   ref

Window, [HelpStyles] format property   ref, ref

WinHelpDocName, [Setup] keyword

set-up option   ref

Word2000, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

Word2002, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

Word2003, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

correct graphics scale   ref

Word2007, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

Word2009, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

Word2010, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

Word8, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

preserve graphics scale   ref

[WordCntStyles], deprecated

subject to configuration overrides   ref


WordDocName, [Setup] keyword

set-up option   ref


cross references   ref, ref, ref, ref, ref

equations   ref

fonts   ref, ref

footnotes   ref

for special characters   ref

for tabs   ref

formats   ref, ref, ref

graphics   ref, ref, ref, ref, ref

headers and footers   ref, ref

index   ref

line spacing   ref

ObjectIDs   ref, ref

page layout   ref, ref

reference frames   ref

set-up options and settings   ref

spacing   ref

special characters   ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

tables   ref, ref

tabs   ref

templates   ref

text   ref, ref, ref, ref

WordPerfect   ref

WordPerfect, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

[WordReplacements]   ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

[WordSectionFiles], autonumbers   ref

[WordStyles], print RTF format properties

hide content   ref

make text an active link   ref

omit content   ref

replace content   ref

retain ObjectIDs   ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

[WordXrefFiles], cross references   ref

WrapAllFrames, [Graphics] keyword   ref

WrapAndShip, [Automation] keyword   ref

determined at run time   ref

export option   ref

WrapAroundHFFrames, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

WrapAroundTextFrames, [WordOptions] keyword   ref, ref

WrapCopyFiles, [Automation] keyword   ref

activated by CompileHelp   ref

WrapPath, [Automation] keyword   ref

activated by CompileHelp   ref

activated by WrapAndShip   ref

for WinHelp   ref, ref, ref

WrapXrefs, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

WriteAllGraphics, [Setup] keyword   ref, ref

determined at run time   ref

export option   ref

native graphics processing   ref

third-party graphics tools   ref

WriteAllVarForms, [WordOptions] keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref, ref

WriteEquations, [Setup] keyword

determined at run time   ref

does not affect equations   ref

export embedded graphics   ref

export option   ref

turn off for FrameMaker export   ref

use native graphics processing   ref

WriteHelpProjectFile, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref

WriteMasterPageGraphics, [Setup] keyword   ref

WriteMissingForms, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

WriteRefPageGraphics, [Setup] keyword   ref


XrefFileDefault, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

XrefHyper, [WordOptions] keyword   ref

XrefLenLimit, [HelpOptions] keyword   ref


[HelpOptions] keyword   ref

[WordOptions] keyword   ref

[XrefStyles], cross-reference formats   ref, ref

subject to configuration overrides   ref

XrefType, [WordOptions] keyword   ref, ref

XScroll, [HelpStyles] format property   ref


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> RTF keyword index