Extracting and exporting all WMF images from an OLE object
With the following settings, Mif2Go extracts all WMFs from an OLE object, and exports each to a separate .wmf file:
; MultipleOLE = No (export only the last WMF image in OLE object), or
; Yes (export all WMFs, with "Xn" suffixes for all but the last)
Set MultipleOLE=Yes only if the single WMF that Mif2Go extracts by default turns out to be the wrong image.
How WMFs from OLE objects are named
When ExportWMFFiles=Yes and MultipleOLE=Yes, each WMF image extracted from an OLE object becomes a .wmf file. Mostly you will get only two or three WMFs. The last WMF extracted is the default file, and keeps the original graphic file name; for example, aa123456.wmf (see ยง5.3 Identifying files and objects). All other files extracted from the object get the same name with the addition of a base-name suffix Xn, where n is 1, 2, ..., 10, ... 100, and so forth; for example, aa123456X2.wmf. If one of these other files turns out to be the correct image, you must delete the incorrect default .wmf file, and rename the correct file by removing the Xn suffix.
> 31 Working with graphics > 31.2 Converting and exporting graphics > 31.2.4 Exporting images and creating files from OLE objects > Extracting and exporting all WMF images from an OLE object