Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

31 Working with graphics > 31.5 Controlling image appearance in RTF output > 31.5.5 Mapping FrameMaker pen style patterns

31.5.5 Mapping FrameMaker pen style patterns

FrameMaker’s graphic pen style patterns have no direct correspondence to the available WMF line styles. For RTF output for which Mif2Go converts FrameMaker native graphics (without using FrameMaker’s graphic export filters), you can map the conversion. The values shown are the defaults; defaults for 1 through 6 are all zero (solid):


; FrameMaker pen style number = WMF line style








Valid FrameMaker pen styles are 1-6 and 8-14, excluding 0 (black), 7 (white), and 15 (invisible), which have fixed mappings. Valid WMF line styles are 0 (solid, the default), 1 (dashed), 2 (dotted), 3 (dot-dash), 4 (dash-dot-dot), and 5 (invisible); all but solid force the line width to the minimum (a WMF requirement).

The [GraphLineStyles] section is effective only when FrameMaker graphics are being converted by Mif2Go, without using the FrameMaker graphic export filters.

31 Working with graphics > 31.5 Controlling image appearance in RTF output > 31.5.5 Mapping FrameMaker pen style patterns