Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

5 Setting basic conversion options > 5.3 Identifying files and objects > 5.3.4 Working with Mif2Go FileIDs > Keeping legacy FileIDs in the configuration file Keeping legacy FileIDs in the configuration file

If you are still using a Mif2Go configuration created before the introduction of mif2go.ini, you might have FileIDs in the main configuration file:


; original filename (no ext) = prefix ID for text and graphic objects.

fmfile = id

To continue using FileIDs listed in mif2htm.ini or mif2rtf.ini, set the following option:


; UseLocalFileID = No (default, use mif2go.ini IDs)

;  or Yes (use [FileIDs] here)

UseLocalFileID = Yes

When UseLocalFileID=Yes, Mif2Go uses the FileIDs (if any) listed in your project configuration file. If a FrameMaker file (either the current file or a referenced file) is not already listed in configuration section [FileIDs], Mif2Go tries to create a unique FileID by using the last three characters of the base file name (such as er2 for Chapter2.mif). If that sequence is already in use, Mif2Go uses the last four characters, and so on, until Mif2Go finds an unused sequence or is using the entire base file name. FileIDs created this way are not added to the [FileIDs] section of your configuration file.

When UseLocalFileID=No (the default), Mif2Go uses the FileIDs in mif2go.ini instead; this is the preferred method.

Note:  Do not add a [FileIDs] section to the main configuration file for new projects; use mif2go.ini instead.

5 Setting basic conversion options > 5.3 Identifying files and objects > 5.3.4 Working with Mif2Go FileIDs > Keeping legacy FileIDs in the configuration file