Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

5 Setting basic conversion options > 5.1 Specifying operating settings > 5.1.8 Reordering text flows

5.1.8 Reordering text flows

When your FrameMaker document contains more than one tagged text flow, Mif2Go normally writes the flows out in the order they are encountered. Mif2Go ignores empty flows and flows that appear only on Master or Reference pages. However, you can interleave flows instead, or omit certain flows, perhaps because they contain text used only for cross references.

Note:  Although you can skip flows and merge flows, you cannot change the order of the text flows.

To change the treatment of selected text flows (for example):


; flowtags to Skip or to treat as Normal (to keep in same section)

z = Skip

A = Normal

B = Normal

When flowtag=Skip, the text flow is omitted from output.

When flowtag=Normal, Mif2Go writes out content in the order in which text appears, regardless of flow.

When you do not specify either Skip or Normal for some flows, Mif2Go writes them out in the order encountered.

In this example, Mif2Go would “merge” flows A and B, skip flow z entirely, and put any other flows into the output separately.

5 Setting basic conversion options > 5.1 Specifying operating settings > 5.1.8 Reordering text flows