Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.8 Converting tabs and spaces > 6.8.3 Altering tab behavior for Word output

6.8.3 Altering tab behavior for Word output

You can modify some aspects of tab behavior in Word:

Tab width

Hidden tabs

Right tabs

Trailing tabs

Underlined tabs

Comparing underlined vs. trailing tabs.

Tab width

You can specify a default tab width in twips (twentieths of a point):


; DefTabWidth = 0 (default, ignore undefined tabs)

; or twips (720 for 0.5")

DefTabWidth = 0

Hidden tabs

You can choose to remove tabs that have no effect in a FrameMaker paragraph (because their nominal ruler positions are hidden by text), replace each with a space, or keep them in the output document:


; OccludedTabs = Remove (normal), Space, or Tab

OccludedTabs = Remove

Right tabs

You can specify how to treat right-alignment tabs:


; RMarginTabs =

; Left (return),

; Right (keep in col),

; Both (default),

; None

RMarginTabs = Both

Trailing tabs

To preserve trailing tabs; for example, if you use a trailing tab to insert a signature line:


; TrailingTabs = No (default, omit trailing tabs) or Yes

; (preserve trailing tabs in Word output)

TrailingTabs = Yes

Underlined tabs

If you have underlined text in FrameMaker, and you tab within the text, FrameMaker does not continue the underline under the tabbed area (Word works the opposite way: underlines continue). By default, Mif2Go turns off the underline for the tabbed areas in Word output, which is not what you want if you are making up a form, with ruled lines made from the underlines.

To underline tabbed areas that follow underlined text:


; UnderlineTabs = No (default, normal FrameMaker behavior) or Yes

UnderlineTabs = Yes

Comparing underlined vs. trailing tabs

These two settings (TrailingTabs and UnderlineTabs) are entirely different. Normally, at the end of a paragraph, Mif2Go simply cancels any leftover tabs. With TrailingTabs, Mif2Go writes them instead. With UnderlineTabs, Mif2Go does not write them.

To emulate FrameMaker behavior, Mif2Go turns off the underline just before the (first) tab, unless UnderlineTabs is set. TrailingTabs has no effect on that action.

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.8 Converting tabs and spaces > 6.8.3 Altering tab behavior for Word output