Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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6 Converting to print RTF > 6.11 Converting cross references and hypertext links > 6.11.2 Converting cross references to Word > Producing numeric vs. full-text cross references Producing numeric vs. full-text cross references

By default, cross references use FrameMaker numeric ObjectIDs instead of the full cross-reference text; full-text cross references are not active in Word:


; XrefType = = Numeric (default) or Full (use only to eliminate dupes)


When XrefType=Numeric, only the ObjectID is included in the reference, rather than the full text of the referenced source.

When XrefType=Full, Mif2Go includes the full text of cross references in RTF bookmarks, which breaks the cross references. The only time you might need this setting would be if your document contains two cross references with the same starting number (followed by other differences) in the two markers; this is even less likely than finding duplicate ObjectIDs in a document. The preferred remedy is to delete and recreate the less used of the two markers, then resolve all references to that marker. Use XrefType=Full only as a last resort, if both markers have thousands of references and resolving them is too onerous. The result will be inactive cross references in Word.

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.11 Converting cross references and hypertext links > 6.11.2 Converting cross references to Word > Producing numeric vs. full-text cross references