Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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5 Setting basic conversion options > 5.1 Specifying operating settings > 5.1.3 Reusing or discarding MIF files

5.1.3 Reusing or discarding MIF files

FrameMaker keeps document files in “Maker” format, typically with an .fm extension. This binary file format is a closely held trade secret of Adobe Systems Incorporated. FrameMaker files must be saved as MIF (Maker Interchange Format) before Mif2Go can read them. Mif2Go converts the MIF files to binary DCL (Document Coding Language) files, and finally from DCL to the output type you specify (see §1.5 How Mif2Go works).

Mif2Go ordinarily saves your FrameMaker files as MIF immediately before each conversion. However, if you have not altered a FrameMaker file since the last time it was saved as MIF, you can choose to let Mif2Go use the existing MIF file. You can specify this option in the Mif2Go Export dialog, which in turn updates the configuration file. Or, you can change this setting directly in the project configuration file:


; UseExistingMIF = No (default) or Yes (use if it exists)

UseExistingMIF = Yes

You can have Mif2Go delete old MIF files from the project directory just before starting a new conversion. To delete MIF files from the project directory before conversion:


; DeleteExistingMIF = No (default) or Yes (delete *.mif from the

: project directory before the conversion).

DeleteExistingMIF = Yes

When DeleteExistingMIF=Yes, Mif2Go deletes old MIF files from the project directory before conversion, provided both of the following are true:

UseExistingMIF is not set, or is set to No

Use existing MIF file if any is not checked on the Export dialog (see §3.7.3 Choosing input source and disposition). 

5 Setting basic conversion options > 5.1 Specifying operating settings > 5.1.3 Reusing or discarding MIF files