Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

8 Generating WinHelp > 8.12 Configuring index entries for WinHelp > 8.12.1 Designating index level separators

8.12.1 Designating index level separators

Commas in FrameMaker index entries are treated as level separators in WinHelp indexes, even though they serve only a grammatical function in your FrameMaker document. However, Mif2Go breaks an index entry at a comma (or at any other level separator) only when there is at least one more entry that is an exact match up to the comma. The “one more entry” can be an entry generated by Mif2Go, depending on the setting for DisambiguateIndex; see §8.12.2 Eliminating duplicate keywords.

To have Mif2Go treat commas in FrameMaker index entries as regular characters instead of index level separators, specify the following option:


; IdxColon = No (default, allow colon and comma as level delimiters)

; or Yes (use only colon as delimiter, treat comma as regular text)


You must also edit the WinHelp project file, yourdoc.hpj, to specify this option:



Use Notepad or any other plain-text editor.

8 Generating WinHelp > 8.12 Configuring index entries for WinHelp > 8.12.1 Designating index level separators