Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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6 Converting to print RTF > 6.2 Setting up a print RTF project > 6.2.5 Constraining the number of bookmarks in Word

6.2.5 Constraining the number of bookmarks in Word

By default, Mif2Go includes bookmarks in Word for all references between documents, and for all index ranges. However, Word has a limit of 16,379 bookmarks per document. If you are converting a very large document with many references, you might need to reduce the number of bookmarks.

To omit bookmarks in Word for index ranges:


BookmarkIXRanges = No

To omit bookmarks in Word for interfile references;


ExternalXrefs = No

When ExternalXrefs=No, if you are converting a multi-chapter FrameMaker book, cross references between chapters will no longer update. However, jumps between chapters will still work. See § Creating Word bookmarks for interfile cross references.

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.2 Setting up a print RTF project > 6.2.5 Constraining the number of bookmarks in Word