Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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6 Converting to print RTF > 6.11 Converting cross references and hypertext links > 6.11.5 Enabling interfile cross references and hypertext links > Creating Word bookmarks for interfile cross references Creating Word bookmarks for interfile cross references

By default, Mif2Go reproduces FrameMaker cross references between files in RTF output:


; ExternalXrefs = Yes (default, create all of the bookmarks for each

; para that has an xref marker in it, for links from ext files) or No

; (create xref bookmarks only as required by refs in the current file)


When ExternalXrefs=Yes, Mif2Go creates bookmarks around all possible cross-reference sources (<$paratext>, <$paranum>, and <$paranumonly>) in all paragraphs that contain cross-reference markers, because there is no way to determine which sources and which markers are actually referenced. In Word you can INCLUDE and specify a bookmark, and get exactly the same effect as with an interfile REF system. And, if Word cannot find the referenced file, no error message appears.

When ExternalXrefs=No, Mif2Go creates bookmarks only for cross-reference markers that are referenced from within the same file. You could set ExternalXrefs=No to decrease file size. However, this is useful only if your FrameMaker document has both of the following characteristics:

many paragraphs with cross-reference markers

no external files that reference those markers.

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.11 Converting cross references and hypertext links > 6.11.5 Enabling interfile cross references and hypertext links > Creating Word bookmarks for interfile cross references