Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

8 Generating WinHelp > 8.2 Setting up a WinHelp project > 8.2.7 Accommodating platform differences

8.2.7 Accommodating platform differences

You must specify a few [HelpOptions] settings according to the platform on which your WinHelp file will be used:


; Altura = No (default) or Yes (Altura QuickHelp for Mac)


; HyperHelp = No (default) or Yes (Bristol HyperHelp for UNIX)


; ForceBmc = No (default) or Yes (use bmc, not bml, for HyperHelp)


; HelpSectionBreaks = Yes (default) for sect break before each topic,

; or No for Altura (filter strips table format from topic titles)


Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000

The default settings work for all 32-bit Windows platforms:







If you are targeting the Macintosh platform, and you are using Altura QuickHelp, set Altura=Yes. This setting does not work for regular Windows versions, so expect to run Mif2Go twice to produce both forms. However, you might find that Altura QuickHelp does work when you set HelpSectionBreaks=No and Altura=No, in which case you can get by with one version instead of two.


For UNIX users, Mif2Go has a setting for Bristol HyperHelp: HyperHelp=Yes. Unfortunately, HyperHelp has trouble with WMF graphics. You must use a graphics conversion program (see § Using third-party graphics converters) to convert all WMF graphics to BMP graphics. If you choose to do this, Mif2Go can change the file names for the graphics in the .rtf accordingly:



Also set [HelpOptions] ForceBmc=Yes, to change all bml references to bmc.

If you are using HyperHelp you might need to prevent multiple interword spacing when there are index markers in text. If you see extra space at index markers, try EndFtnWithSpace=No:


; EndFtnWithSpace = Yes (Help default) or No (HyperHelp default)


; FootnoteSpace = After (the } after the symbol, default),

; Before, or None


8 Generating WinHelp > 8.2 Setting up a WinHelp project > 8.2.7 Accommodating platform differences