Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.10 Modifying text appearance > 6.10.2 Adjusting paragraph spacing > Keeping or reducing space above paragraphs Keeping or reducing space above paragraphs

By default, Mif2Go adds overrides in Word to make spacing come out the same as in FrameMaker; that is, Mif2Go reduces space before in the RTF output (though not in the style definition) to simulate FrameMaker’s larger-of-two-values rule instead of Word’s sum-of-two-values rule.

To direct Mif2Go to use the Word sum-of-two-values rule instead of the FrameMaker rule for inter-paragraph spacing:


; ParaSpace = Normal (retain above & below) or Frame (adjust above)


When ParaSpace=Normal, Mif2Go uses both space above and space below in RTF output. This can result in overlarge spacing.

When ParaSpace=Frame (the default), Mif2Go checks adjacent paragraphs case by case, and alters the space above the second paragraph of each pair (often to zero) as an override, in an attempt to match Word spacing to FrameMaker spacing. However, an exact match is not always possible.

6 Converting to print RTF > 6.10 Modifying text appearance > 6.10.2 Adjusting paragraph spacing > Keeping or reducing space above paragraphs