6.10.6 Specifying text color
Mif2Go converts FrameMaker color definitions from CMYK to RGB, and adds them to the RTF color table so that they look the same in Word. You can choose whether to retain text colors:
; TextColor = 0 (all black) or 1 (as is, the default)
If you use text colors only for ease of editing in FrameMaker, and want them to come out black in the converted files, set TextColor=0 (this is the default for WinHelp conversions.) You can keep text colors as they are, with TextColor=1.
Note: The TextColor setting does not affect the use of color in graphics, including graphics text (such as callouts). The RTF color table also does not affect the colors used in graphics; color information is embedded in the graphic metafile.
> 6 Converting to print RTF > 6.10 Modifying text appearance > 6.10.6 Specifying text color