Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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6 Converting to print RTF > 6.5 Specifying document layout options > 6.5.8 Converting footnotes

6.5.8 Converting footnotes

Word handles footnotes differently from FrameMaker. Mif2Go outputs FrameMaker asterisk footnotes as a count of asterisks. Subscripts and superscripts follow the FrameMaker document settings for relative size and position. The default configuration setting for numbered footnotes uses fixed numbers, emulating FrameMaker’s footnote handling: cross references to footnotes are correct, and the numbers stay the same.

If you need to add or delete footnotes in the output Word document, and you want auto-renumbering to work, you can take your chances with “real” Word footnotes:


; Footnotes = Standard (Word default), Embed (between []), None, or

; Variable (using real Word footnotes, so xrefs to them are wrong)


6 Converting to print RTF > 6.5 Specifying document layout options > 6.5.8 Converting footnotes