Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

31 Working with graphics > 31.2 Converting and exporting graphics > 31.2.5 Converting graphics with FrameMaker export filters > Directing Mif2Go to use FrameMaker export filters Directing Mif2Go to use FrameMaker export filters

To have Mif2Go convert graphics using the FrameMaker export filters, set the following options:


; UseGraphicPreviews = No (default)

;  or Yes (use preview bitmaps for frames)

UseGraphicPreviews = Yes


; WriteEquations = No (default)

;  or Yes (write only equations as graphics files)

WriteEquations = No

; WriteAllGraphics = No (default)

;  or Yes (write all anchored frames as graphics files)

WriteAllGraphics = Yes

Or, choose Write for anchored frames in the Mif2Go Export dialog; see Table 3-2.

31 Working with graphics > 31.2 Converting and exporting graphics > 31.2.5 Converting graphics with FrameMaker export filters > Directing Mif2Go to use FrameMaker export filters