Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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28 Working with macros > 28.2 Accessing Mif2Go macro libraries > 28.2.1 Understanding Mif2Go-supplied macro libraries

28.2.1 Understanding Mif2Go-supplied macro libraries

Your Mif2Go distribution includes several macro library files in the form of macro configuration templates, listed in Table 30-7. These macro libraries are located in directory %OMSYSHOME%\m2g\macros. The templates are chained together by references.

To access a macro library (for example):


; Macros = path to macro library file

Macros = %OMSYSHOME%\m2g\m2htm_macro.ini

Mif2Go checks the referenced chain of macro libraries whenever a macro you invoke is not defined in your project configuration file.

A macro library file can include another [Templates]Macros setting, to make a chain of macro libraries to be searched; the chain can be any length. However, all files in the chain must have distinct names; the chain stops if Mif2Go finds a repeat.

Your Mif2Go project configuration file should reference m2htm_macros.ini or m2rtf_macros.ini, either directly or indirectly through your own macro library file.

See also:

§30.2 Referencing configuration files and templates

§ Creating a chain of macro libraries

28 Working with macros > 28.2 Accessing Mif2Go macro libraries > 28.2.1 Understanding Mif2Go-supplied macro libraries