Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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31 Working with graphics > 31.5 Controlling image appearance in RTF output > 31.5.2 Reorienting bitmap graphics

31.5.2 Reorienting bitmap graphics

Sometimes you might find that your bitmaps in the RTF file are upside down, and somehow mirrored. This happens when the bitmap starts with the top scan line instead of the bottom one. Unfortunately, the .bmp format does not contain any flag to indicate this usage (which is increasingly common). Mif2Go cannot identify such bitmaps; you must set [Graphics] BitmapFlip=1. Generally if one bitmap is flipped, all the rest from the same source are too, so the setting can often apply to the whole file. If some are flipped but not others, you will need to add the setting as a marker before every graphic’s anchor in the text, specifying BitmapFlip=1 to flip or BitmapFlip=0 to leave it as is.

31 Working with graphics > 31.5 Controlling image appearance in RTF output > 31.5.2 Reorienting bitmap graphics