13.12 Generating XHTML for Confluence 4.x
XHTML output that will work as input to Confluence requires a different syntax for links, and several special settings. Thanks to research by Robert Lauriston, Mif2Go provides a way to produce the required markup. See:
To direct Mif2Go to produce XHTML for Confluence 4.x:
; Confluence = No (default, use normal linking)
; or Yes (make Confluence links)
When Confluence=Yes, Mif2Go automatically sets the options listed in Table 13-5. You can override these individually if necessary.
Table 13-5 Default options for Confluence 4.x XHTML
To configure Confluence links:
; ConfluenceLinks = No (default, use normal links)
; or Yes (use the link parts specified below)
; These are the default parts for Confluence links:
ConfluenceLinkStart = <ac:link>
ConfluenceLinkPage = <ri:page ri:content-title="
ConfluenceLinkText = <ac:link-body>
ConfluenceLinkTextEnd = </ac:link-body>
ConfluenceLinkEnd = </ac:link>
When ConfluenceLinks=Yes, the remaining ConfluenceLink* settings are in effect.
Note: The XHTML files you produce with Mif2Go must be imported into Confluence one at a time. As of this writing, no batch import utility is available.
> 13 Converting to HTML/XHTML > 13.12 Generating XHTML for Confluence 4.x