Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

13 Converting to HTML/XHTML > 13.13 Exporting content for database input

13.13 Exporting content for database input

If you are generating HTML that is destined for input to a database, you might want to exclude everything except the <body> content. You can use the following setting to generate HTML without the prolog, <html> tags, <head> tags and content, or <body> tags. This leaves just the body content, in a form suited to inclusion in a database:


; BodyContentOnly = No (default) or Yes (omit prolog, root element,

;  and head and body tags, leaving only body content, for DBMS use)

BodyContentOnly = Yes

13 Converting to HTML/XHTML > 13.13 Exporting content for database input