Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.7 Mapping fonts > 21.7.4 Including or excluding font tags

21.7.4 Including or excluding font tags

Older versions of Internet Explorer contain a defect in how <font> tags are handled. If your HTML output includes a <font> tag, and the specified font does not include the glyph, Internet Explorer changes the glyph to another that does occur in that font, and does a poor job of selection. Firefox simply ignores the <font> tag and shows the correct character, in compliance with the W3 specification.

By default, when you use CSS, Mif2Go does not include <font> tags in HTML output, except for symbols in autonumbers; see §21.7.5 Managing font tags for symbol fonts. However, you might need additional <font> tags in some circumstances. For example:

If you use an OpenType or TrueType font, some browsers require <font> tags to correctly display content in these fonts; see §21.7.7 Accommodating browser font-rendering differences.

If you are producing JavaHelp or Oracle Help, you might need <font> tags to get around viewer deficiencies; see §11.3.9 Coping with JavaHelp / Oracle Help viewer limitations.

To turn on <font> tags in HTML output:


; NoFonts = Yes (default, prohibit <font ...> tags except for symbol

;  fonts) or No (use <font...> tags, default if UseCSS=No)

NoFonts = No

If you turn off CSS, Mif2Go turns on <font> tags by default; see §22.5 Understanding how CSS affects other options. If you do use CSS, you can create <span> tags instead, with a single setting for each character format; see §22.7.3 Mapping character formats to tags or span classes.

If you do not use CSS, and you are not using <font> tags either, you will get whatever fonts a browser specifies as defaults.

21 Mapping text formats to HTML/XML > 21.7 Mapping fonts > 21.7.4 Including or excluding font tags