Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

CSH links

The Mif2Go Configuration Manager accesses this section for Context-Sensitive Help look-ups.


Assemble files and prepare deliverables; see:


Text output default characteristics; see:


Dummy section to end a configuration file or template; see:


Export embedded graphics; see:


Configure graphics; see:


Change file extension on referenced graphics files; see:


Configure index; see:


Insert code at predefined locations in output; see:


Configure Mif2Go macros


Information needed for project management; see:


Configure tables; see:


Paths to referenced configuration files; see:


Assign properties to cross-reference formats; see:

§ Specifying HTML options for selected cross-reference formats


Obsolete sections or settings with no current use:


Sections and settings superseded by replacements