D.3.4 Package the problem
If you have placed settings in a file in %OMSYSHOME%\m2g\local\config\*, copy those settings to your project configuration file before you do the following.
Create a .zip file smaller than 1 MB that contains the following files:
The smallest fragments that yield the problem; see Step D.2.10 in §D.2 Things to check first. No unzipped files. |
If your project uses a conversion template, and the problem is a display problem, include the conversion template. |
Located by default in your project directory; see §5.2 Logging conversion events. |
Your project configuration file, plus any chapter-specific configuration file used by the problem FrameMaker file. |
Include all configuration files and templates in every chain that might affect the result, except the distribution templates. However, if you have placed settings in a file in %OMSYSHOME%\m2g\local\config\*, copy those settings to your project configuration file before you create the package. |
If the problem file uses Mif2Go macros located in library files. |
If your project uses CSS (HTML output only), and the problem is a display problem. |
MyDoc.prj, located in the input directory; see §C.1 Locating document and conversion files. |
mif2go.ini, located in the input directory; see §C.1 Locating document and conversion files. |
If the problem occurs when you generate one of the following: |
Any external graphics referenced by the problem-file fragment. |
Do not send unzipped FrameMaker files; they are nearly always corrupted in transit.
We need to be able to unzip and run your test case at Omni Systems with no further ado.
Finally: Send the package to Omni Systems.
> D Technical support for Mif2Go > D.3 How to request help > D.3.4 Package the problem