Identifying table cells with formats: an example
Suppose your FrameMaker document contains a table with the following structure; Table 26-2 has these characteristics:
• a column-header cell that spans more than one column
• a row-header column whose cells span more than one row
• a column that has no header.
Table 26-2 Using paragraph formats to identify table cells (example)
To use paragraph formats to identify body cells according to their row headers and column headers, those header cells that span more than one row or column must contain a paragraph format different from (or perhaps in addition to) the paragraph format used in ordinary row and column headers:
• Because it spans more than one column, the topmost column-header cell in Table 26-2 needs special identification, so a different paragraph format is used for that cell.
• All row-header cells span more than one row, so no individual row-header cell needs a format different from any other. However, collectively the row-header contents need a paragraph format different from the format for column headers.
• The rightmost column in Table 26-2 has no header; a different paragraph format is used to identify the cells in this column, in order to give them the NoColID attribute.
You could specify the following attributes for Table 26-2:
Because these settings specify enough information to associate every cell in the table with all applicable row and column headers, there is no need for the Scope attribute. However, using it does no harm, so Scope is included for purposes of illustration:
Because ColIDs take precedence over RowIDs, the top left cell gets id="col1". The cell to its right is in column 2; the cell below it is in row 2. Table 26-2 looks something like this (omitting display attributes) in Mif2Go-generated HTML:
<caption><p>Table 26-2: Server configuration</p></caption>
<tr><th id="col1" scope="column" rowspan="2"><p>Module</p></th>
<th id="span1" scope="colgroup" colspan="3">
<p>Configuration parameters</p></th></tr>
<tr><th id="col2" scope="column" headers="span1">
<th id="span2" scope="column" colspan="2">
<p>Parameter description</p></th></tr>
<tr><th id="span3" scope="rowgroup" headers="col1" rowspan="2">
<td id="row3" headers="col2 span1 span3"><p>001</p></td>
<td headers="col2 row3 span1 span2 span3">
<td headers="row3 span1 span2 span3"><p>y</p></td></tr>
<tr><td id="row4" headers="col2 span1 span3"><p>012</p></td>
<td headers="col2 row4 span1 span2 span3"><p>Private key</p></td>
<td headers="row4 span1 span2 span3"><p>y</p></td></tr>
<tr><th id="span4" scope="rowgroup" headers="col1" rowspan="3">
<td id="row5" headers="col2 span1 span4"><p>002</p></td>
<td headers="col2 row5 span1 span2 span4">
<p>Authority certificate</p></td>
<td headers="row5 span1 span2 span4"><p>n</p></td></tr>
<tr><td id="row6" headers="col2 span1 span4"><p>011</p></td>
<td headers="col2 row6 span1 span2 span4">
<p>Manager certificate</p></td>
<td headers="row6 span1 span2 span4"><p>n</p></td></tr>
<tr><td id="row7" headers="col2 span1 span4"><p>009</p></td>
<td headers="col2 row7 span1 span2 span4">
<p>Server certificate</p></td>
<td headers="row7 span1 span2 span4"><p>y</p></td></tr>
> 26 Identifying HTML table structure for WAI > 26.2 Associating table cells with header cells > 26.2.2 Using paragraph formats for table-cell attributes > Identifying table cells with formats: an example