Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


Valid HTML 4.01!


Made with Mif2Go

26 Identifying HTML table structure for WAI > 26.2 Associating table cells with header cells > 26.2.3 Assigning table-cell attribute values with dedicated formats

26.2.3 Assigning table-cell attribute values with dedicated formats

Instead of inventing another paragraph format every time you need to assign a different combination of WAI attributes, you can dedicate a small set of paragraph formats to this purpose: one for each WAI attribute. The text of each instance of such a paragraph format becomes the value of the attribute:


; These para format properties all make their content into attributes.

; If you do not want the content in the text also, use with Delete.

; AbbrVal makes current para content into abbr for table cell

; AxisVal makes current para content into axis for table cell

Probably you would not want the text of these special paragraphs to appear either in printed output or in HTML output; therefore you would assign property Delete to each such paragraph format in section [HTMLParaStyles], and in FrameMaker make the paragraphs conditional, so you can hide them.

For example, suppose you add paragraph format WAIabbr to the paragraph catalog, and assign a WAI attribute to this format:


WAIabbr = AbbrVal Delete

If a header cell in a table reads Type of Widget and you want to provide the abbreviation Type, somewhere in that cell you would place a WAIabbr paragraph and give it content Type.You would make the WAIabbr paragraph conditional so it would not appear in print. The Delete property would exclude the paragraph (as such) from HTML output, and the HTML source would show <abbr="Type"> for the cell in question; see §21.3.12 Eliminating unwanted paragraphs.

26 Identifying HTML table structure for WAI > 26.2 Associating table cells with header cells > 26.2.3 Assigning table-cell attribute values with dedicated formats