Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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16 Configuring DITA maps > 16.2 Configuring DITA ditamaps > 16.2.1 Specifying options for ditamaps > Choosing whether a ditamap references maps or topics Choosing whether a ditamap references maps or topics

Ideally, a chapter map references topics, and a book map references chapter maps. However, not all DITA tools allow nested maps. Therefore the default Mif2Go option is to have the book map reference topics directly rather than reference the chapter maps.

In this section:

§ Configuring a book map to reference chapter maps

§ Configuring chapter maps for FrameMaker 8 import Configuring a book map to reference chapter maps

When you convert a FrameMaker book to DITA XML, Mif2Go creates a .ditamap file for the book. By default, this book map includes a <topicref> for each topic in your project. You can have the book map reference each chapter map instead.

To include in the book .ditamap references to chapter maps instead of direct references to each topic:


; MapBookTopics = Yes (default, include <topicref> for each topic in

;  book .ditamap), or No reference the chapter maps instead)

MapBookTopics = No

Referencing chapter maps is better practice, if your downstream tools support this approach. If you plan to re-import DITA files into FrameMaker version 8, there are additional considerations; see § Configuring chapter maps for FrameMaker 8 import.

If you are producing DITA version 1.1 output that includes a <bookmap>, also see §16.3.5 Choosing whether a bookmap references maps or topics. Configuring chapter maps for FrameMaker 8 import

If you expect to import your DITA output into FrameMaker version 8, make sure there is a single top-level topic in each chapter map; then the book-level map will work as expected. What happens depends on whether your book-level ditamap references other ditamaps or DITA files:

If your book-level ditamap references other ditamaps that reference DITA files, and you ask FrameMaker 8 to make your book-level map into a FrameMaker book, you will get an error message (“processing instruction ignored”) for each file, but the resulting book, and all its chapters, will be correct.

If your book-level ditamap references DITA files directly, each DITA file (or each nested set of topicrefs) will become a chapter, which may be desirable for such purposes as creating a library of DITA topics to be referenced elsewhere as insets.

The Leximation DITA-FMx plug-in permits both.

See also:

§15.8.4 Nesting DITA topics in unsplit files

§15.8.5 Wrapping DITA topics in a top-level <dita> element

§ Excluding topic IDs for FrameMaker 8 import

§ Excluding <topicmeta> elements for FrameMaker 8 import

16 Configuring DITA maps > 16.2 Configuring DITA ditamaps > 16.2.1 Specifying options for ditamaps > Choosing whether a ditamap references maps or topics