Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.8 Organizing DITA topics > 15.8.4 Nesting DITA topics in unsplit files

15.8.4 Nesting DITA topics in unsplit files

To nest the topics in a DITA XML output file:


; NestTopicFiles = No (default, recommended),

;  or Yes (if SplitTopicFiles=No, nest the topics in the <dita> file

;  per their [DITAMapLevels]).

NestTopicFiles = Yes

When NestTopicFiles=Yes, topics are nested in each file according to their map levels. To make the nesting valid using DITA Composite, in the following cases Mif2Go wraps all topics within a top-level <dita> element:

map levels are such that the first topic in a file does not nest all the other topics; see §16.2.2 Specifying topic levels in ditamaps

the file contains topics of more than one basic topic type (topic, concept, task, or reference).

When NestTopicFiles=No, if SplitTopicFiles=No, Mif2Go wraps all topics from a FrameMaker chapter file within a top-level <dita> element according to their map levels, in a single DITA XML output file, regardless of the setting for WrapTopicFiles.

See §15.8.5 Wrapping DITA topics in a top-level <dita> element.

15 Converting to DITA XML > 15.8 Organizing DITA topics > 15.8.4 Nesting DITA topics in unsplit files