Omni Systems, Inc.


Mif2Go User's Guide, Version 55


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Made with Mif2Go

9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.3 Setting up an HTML Help project

9.3 Setting up an HTML Help project

To produce an HTML Help system you will need HTML Help Workshop, which you can download from the Microsoft Library:

Documentation for HTML Help Workshop is available from the same site.

If you plan to generate HTML Help in non-Western languages, you will also need the ICU library; see §9.13 Generating HTML Help in non-Western languages.

In this section:

§9.3.1 Creating an HTML Help project

§9.3.2 Choosing set-up options for an MS HTML Help project

§9.3.3 Deciding where to locate configuration settings

§9.3.4 Organizing source files for HTML Help

§9.3.5 Specifying a project title for HTML Help

§9.3.6 Deciding whether to compile HTML Help

§9.3.7 Naming project and compiled files for HTML Help

§9.3.8 Specifying a starting topic file for HTML Help

§9.3.9 Regenerating the HTML Help project file

§9.3.10 Locating graphics files for HTML Help

See also:

§7.2.1 Checking automatic Help topic assignments

9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.3 Setting up an HTML Help project