9.3.6 Deciding whether to compile HTML Help
FrameMaker version 8 and above use Unicode. The HTML Help compiler does not support Unicode, and instead uses code-page mappings. For compiled HTML Help, Mif2Go maps Unicode characters to the correct code page.
If what you need is uncompiled HTML Help files in Unicode, possibly including contents, index, and search files, you can direct Mif2Go not to compile HTML Help:
To omit code-page mapping when you are not going to compile HTML Help:
; UseCodePage = Yes (default, required for CHM compile), or No
; (for use in further processing where other encodings are OK)
To produce Japanese, Chinese, or Korean code-page output, such as for HTML Help in Japanese, you need ICU DLLs: icudt40.dll (13MB) and icuuc40.dll (1MB). These DLLs are available in archive icu401.zip (6 MB), which you can download from the Omni Systems Web site. See:
§1.1.4 Languages and character sets
§9.13 Generating HTML Help in non-Western languages
§9.14 Compiling and testing HTML Help.
> 9 Generating Microsoft HTML Help > 9.3 Setting up an HTML Help project > 9.3.6 Deciding whether to compile HTML Help